Birthday Q&A with Troy Burner
MAIP client Troy Burner’s birthday is August 30. Troy spent more than 24 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. He was exonerated in March 2020. For his birthday, we asked him a few questions about how he spends his special day.

What do you like to do on your birthday?
I don’t have plans yet this year, but last year, I threw a party at the last minute. I didn’t have any plans either last year, but it was my 50th birthday, so I thought I should do something. I had a lot of fun!
What kind of cake do you usually eat on your birthday?
I’m not really a cake person. If there’s cake, I’ll eat some, but I’m more of a cookie man. Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite! Maybe this year, I’ll get a cookie cake.
How did you celebrate your first birthday out of prison?
It’s funny—it hasn’t even been that long, but I can’t really remember. Oh! I went to an overnight cookout. It was pretty fun.
What was it like to spend birthdays in prison?
It’s different for everyone, but you can’t not acknowledge your birthday, even though you’re spending it in prison. Every day that you’re alive in prison is a day to rejoice. But every day outside of prison is a true joy. Your best day in prison is still worse than your worst day free.
Read more about Troy here.